Fall 2018
Increasingly technology is being designed for individual use only. This is creating a very exclusive world where people are hiding behind their various screens instead of interacting with the world around them. This has also lead to a very secretive society where information is kept very private instead of shared.
Communication + Teamwork + Verification = Trust
Puzzle 1
Fall 2018
I’m looking at how communication can be visually represented in an object. For me, communication is one of the biggest aspects that is involved in different individuals having trust in each other. Connecting different materials and then connecting those to others in a building fashion, represents how dialogue occurs between individuals. Communication is complex and is a multi-layered process. Each layer relies on the one blow it and the one above for it to allow trust between individuals. Without all layers, everything would fall apart. The verification aspect is implemented through the ability of any viewer to disassemble the whole object and see each component fit together with the rest, as well as view each individual entity on its own.
Exploration Sketchs
Puzzle 2
Winter 2019
For my second puzzle, I wanted to take the issues I had with the first puzzle and try and improve open them. One aspect that I wanted to add is the introduction of hidden components to make the puzzle a little more difficult to solve. I also wanted to incorporate various connection/joinery types to create some unpredictability and make the order of steps a little less obvious. By adding these changes I hope that it will create a puzzle that will encourage individuals to communicate and use teamwork to solve it.