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Winter 2018


After many years, Risd's Nature Lab was able to acquire a large grant from the government to improve the space for better learning. With some of this money, the Nature Lab wants to redesign a classroom/area where aquatic life is kept, into a wet lab bio-markerspace. This will allow students to have space and the equipment to explore areas like aquaponics, bioplastics, growing of plants and other natural systems.   


Collaborating alongside Wynn Geary, we looked into the design of the workstations and how they would fit into the overall environment. We wanted to break up the geometric layout that already exists and incorporate elements of biophilic design into our proposal for the new space.   

Chosen patterns of Biophilic Design 

  • Biomorphic forms and patterns 

  • Dynamic and diffuse light 

  • Connection with natural systems 

  • Presence of water 

Cite Analysis of Space


Table Shape Inspiration:

Stromatolite is made up of colonies of bacteria which come together to form rock-like shapes in shadow salt flats. A unique aspect of stromatolites is how they work together and share information from one rock to the other. This idea of individuals, which are then part of a larger network, has made it possible for them to become resistant to antibiotics, disease and many other harmful things. Without the ability to share information from one individual to the other, the stromatolite would not be the oldest fossil on the planet.   

Table Shape Exploration 


Table Requirements

  • Internal piping system for drainage of liquids 

  • Hydraulic casters for easy mobility and quick collaboration

  • Water storage container

  • Large storage space across from water containers 

  • Connection points on side of table tops to connect to other tables

  • 36-inch height (adjustable)​


CAD Model

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Hydraulic casters for easy mobility and quick collaboration

Large storage space 

Water storage container

Connection points on side of table tops to connect tables together

With the wet lab already filled with tanks, our modifications to space serve to heighten the existing infrastructure. We’re proposing a comprehensive rainwater collection system that would supplement the room’s existing water use.

Presence of Water

Building Layout

Rainwater from the roof of the nature lab plus surrounding buildings will collect in a large water barrel for use later on. The water will then travel to a multi-leveled filtration, system, which would sanitize the water for general use and student projects. This filtration system will also be able to clean grey water from bathrooms and sinks around nature lab. 

Filtration System

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The first layer consists of dirt and plants to catch larger particles.

The second layer consists of substratum soil which would further filter much smaller particles. ​

The third layer consists of charcoal/carbon which will filter all remaining contaminants. 

Tool Storage

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Tool storage cart would have a 12-volt battery on the bottom (red part) to power plugs on top for power tool use. The 12-volt battery was selected to allow the possibility for a solar panel to be attached if being used outside.

The central hub would be utilized as a charging station plus a general home for tool storage cart.

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